Posts of category: TYPO3 CMS

Hashtag TYPO3Flag

Thanks to Oliver Klee I am now the proud owner of a TYPO3 flag. With the old logo!
Now I just have to dig out a wall where I can mount it. That will be a task, since my home office is in the attic, whose walls are all completely plastered. I think I will be kicked out if I try to attach the flag with drawing pins or something similar.

Nonetheless, I don't want to keep the flag forever. I have in mind that the flag will travel to another TYPO3 enthusiast every three months and I will record the journey here (if the recipient agrees). I am curious if anyone is interested in the flag and the idea at all. I suggest that people can contact me in any way: as a comment in this article, as a reply from this mastodon toot (I don't like this word at all) or even by email. I will collect everything and announce the hopefully lucky winner at the end of January, who will receive the flag from me at the beginning of April (I will ask for the address).

Ajax request via dedicated page type

Because there are so many old pages floating around on this internet with a now faulty example of how to handle ajax requests via a dedicated page type in TYPO3 and I stumbled across it again today as part of a code refactoring, I want to do my part help dispel the assumption that the associated PAGE object needs to be mishandled via config.no_cache = 1. Because it doesn't have to. And it shouldn't either, because if you look at your log, you'll see a lot of warnings like "$TSFE->set_no_cache() was triggered. Reason: config.no_cache is set. Caching is disabled!".

And we don't want that. It is sufficient to integrate the content of the page as COA_INT or USER_INT. Because these objects are definitely not cached!

ajaxPage = PAGE
ajaxPage {
    typeNum = 123456789
    config {
        disableAllHeaderCode = 1
        admPanel = 0
        debug = 0
    10 = COA_INT
    10 < plugin.tx_extensionname_pluginname

Or also with a different version

ajaxPage = PAGE
ajaxPage {
    typeNum = 123456789
    config {
        disableAllHeaderCode = 1
        admPanel = 0
        debug = 0
    10 = USER_INT
    10 {
        userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run  
        extensionName = ExtensionName  
        pluginName = PluginName  
        vendorName = VendorName  
        controller = ControllerName  
        action = ajax  

Adjust TYPO3 backend in five minutes

In the decision-making phase for choosing a content management system, one often hears about TYPO3 that the backend is not intuitive and much too overloaded for the editor. That there are too many options and fields that you would not use when creating content and lead to the editors being overwhelmed.

I have also seen many backends in which the backend was not adapted for the editors or even no user groups with corresponding roles were used. And thus all users with administration rights were on the go in the backend.

In my opinion, this has to do with the steep learning curve of TYPO3, which puts obstacles in the way of beginners. But once you understand the concept of configuring TYPO3, all doors are open to making the backend as simple as possible. And only with the fields and options that you need to create content.

There is a fairly simple way to achieve this: hiding fields using TCEFORM, setting default values ​​for fields with TCAdefault and consistently using user groups. Admins are really just admins and not to be used for creating content. With a properly set up TYPO3, you should never have to log in with an administrator account. ;-)

Read more

Blogging with TYPO3

Comparisons between content management systems are a dime a dozen, so I don't want to make another one now. Especially because I find it hard to create an appealing comparison without a specific problem.

So let's assume that we already have a TYPO3 installation and the desire arose to integrate a blog into a site as well. Simplifying and to make it easier to follow, this installation uses bk2k/bootstrap-package with its own template extension (where does the term SitePackage actually come from? In the ext_emconf there is "template" in the parameter "category", isn't there?).

After installing the blog extension of TYPO3 GmbH, you simply follow the setup wizard from the documentation and integrate the whole thing into your template extension with a little TypoScript and TsConfig. All this takes no more than a quarter of an hour if you are a bit familiar with the backend. And it's not worse than installing and configuring any other blog software.

Afterwards you get a page structure in which you can let off steam. In which you can edit pages and their content as you are used to with TYPO3. Content that can be used in multiple languages, an instance in which you can maintain other pages/domains with completely different content in addition to this blog. Together with many other users, if you want. Draw from the pool of a thousand other extensions to prepare and present your content.

Sure, maybe I'm biased, since I've been working with this system for a decade and a half, but I don't know why it's hard to install TYPO3, the bootstrap-package and the blog-extension via composer and then let the wizard create the page structure. A WordPress installation takes just as long and provides me at first also no more functions. Sure, as soon as I then somewhere from a theme with such a page editor reingklicken have, which admittedly really creates any technically uninitiated, WordPress has perhaps its advantages in terms of design. You can see it on this page (I'm just not a pixel pusher ;-) ).

And now I have yet brought in a comparison...


I haven't seen a message from all browsers besides Chrome that want to integrate Google's cookie “replacement” FLoC to track user behavior. But just to really make sure that your own website does not participate in the whole thing, you should prevent the whole thing with a Permissions Policy. Since there is currently only the OptOut using the HTTP response header, you have to put a stop to the whole thing either directly via the server configuration, the htaccess file or by setting the headers using TypoScript:

config {
    additionalHeaders {
		10.header = Permissions-Policy: interest-cohort=()

Of course, please adjust the order in the additionalHeaders array, I'm assuming that there are a few more headers such as content security policy etc.


In the future I would collect the best and most useful articles/websites collect in a list to hold on the one side my list of read articles small and maybe it helps someone on the other side. If anyone even reads my blog. Which I am not assuming.

So let’s start:

  • Xdebug or actually the sponsoring page from Derick, who is the maintainer and inventor of the best debug tool for PHP. Go! Support! Because also developer want to earn money.
  • TYPO3 Rector: actually I wanted to use my vacation for a lot of learning and looking about things over the holidays, but sometimes it happens different. I will use it for the next refactoring/migration and will report about it.
  • Laragon: I am a strong advocate of DDEV for a server environment for local development with TYPO3. Laragon apparently wants to be something like that. Unfortunately I haven’t seen it yet, because I’m more than satisfied with DDEV.
  • A nice “Everything was better (different) before” article about OpenSource development: The Golden Age of Open Source is Over

Everything must leave

In the last year which is not allowed to be called by name, I had so many plans and really achieved only a little bit of it. Because I'm doing something wrong (or different) than everyone else who was also in the home office and felt had have always leisure time or at least were so deeply relaxed, that I have started with meditation in the later summer to get to the same level. The meditation I've given up fast because that is a thing that just doesn't work for me. Apparently you have to believe in it just like with homeopathy, and that's just not what my brain is made for.

I didn't get into blogging as I had planned. Just write texts. For me. And put them on the Internet. For whatever reason. Because that's how it was done in the early times of the Internet. Where the internet wasn't quite as broken as it is today.

Maybe I'll even publish a blogroll here soon, because it there is it still there! The little blogosphere and also the tech bloggers. But I will start with a selection of articles and websites that I saved in Pocket last year and forgot. Of the almost 300 entries I will left these here, maybe one or the other will find something that will help them.

Web design




Programming in general

Surf another way

Update: With release of TYPO3 10.4.8 the problem is gone because the dependencies were adjusted. Apparently there were problems not only with Surf, but also with Solr and dependencies on PHP 7.2. Nevertheless, I will not install Surf with composer in the project, but instead globally in the DDEV container.

Yesterday a planned maintenance update of TYPO3 was published. Version 10.4.7. The best content management system that I know. And of course all projects should get the new version. What was previously possible without any problems with a hearty 'composer update' without any other effort. Just not yesterday.

composer absolutely refused to integrate the new version into the projects. Okay, no problem, let us approach the whole thing systematically. First with 

composer clear-cache && composer update

force composer to forget everything, go through all the sources and try again. But this did not bring any new TYPO3 onto the hard drive.

Then I would look around and with the question

composer why-not typo3/cms-core:10.4.7

it became clear that typo3/surf has a dependency with symfony/console which finally has a dependency with symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts that prevented going to a larger version than 2.0. But what typo3/cms-core absolutely requires. npm, what the hell!

This morning I tried another time to find a solution but maybe I should think about another job in my elderly age. So there was only Twitter left, my grief complained and minutes later the two heroes @t3easy_de and @chriwode came around the corner.

The first attempt to run Surf locally on Windows failed miserably. Yes, Windows. I don't want to talk about that here. The whole thing fails because, among other things, Windows does not know awk and even if you install this, you will be hit with further errors.

To get to the point: so far I have setup projects using DDEV and not only installed TYPO3 and the extensions used via composer, but also Surf. In order to be able to deploy a project via the command line, for example, if no corresponding CI/CD system is available. My solution now looks like this: Surf has removed of this composer.json and is installed globally via the DDEV start hook:

  - exec: composer global require hirak/prestissimo
  - exec: composer global require typo3/surf:^2.0

So TYPO3 10.4.7 can be installed and I can move the project to another system via surf.

Speed is everything

There are investigations for everything. Also for how the loading time of a website affects the possible bounce rate of the visitors. And it's hard to believe, but the bottom line is that the longer it takes a website to load, the higher the chance that the visitor will close the tab. Incredible.

So you should do everything possible to ensure that a website is delivered and, above all, displayed as quickly as possible. Apart from the fact that you should make sure that elements in the visible area are rendered first and certainly not flip back and forth while loading, another factor that can be easily influenced is keeping the number and the size of the required resources like stylesheets and JavaScript as small as possible.

The AssetCollector has been integrated with TYPO3 10.3. With this, scripts and stylesheets in Fluid files can be added to the rendering process with the ViewHelpers f:asset.script and f:asset.css. They behave similar to the renderAssetsForRequest already added in 8.6, with which you could render the corresponding code via the two Fluid sections HeaderAssets and FooterAssets.

The key difference is that, as the name suggests, the AssetCollector first collects the stylesheets and scripts and then only includes them once in the rendering. This means that I can reference the same JavaScript file in various Fluid files with the same name, which I need for example for a slider, but which is then only stored once in the document using a script tag at the end of the document.

Another advantage is that in this way you can ensure that only required resources are sent to the browser and not a JavaScript plugin for an accordion, which is not rendered on the page. Of course, this negates the concept that you always send the same resources to the browser so that it no longer requests them on the second page because it then takes them from its cache.

But with the simultaneous use of HTTP/2, which ensures that the resources for rendering the website are delivered to the browser before it even knows that it needs them, a speed advantage is still achieved in conjunction with the small data size and is especially noticeable in a faster rendering of the page. It is not at all bad that the resources are not integrated into the concatenation or compression process of TYPO3, as you were used to when you integrated your resources using TypoScript.

And so you have already made a few more visitors to your website happier.
And yes, I know, I have unfortunately not yet activated HTTP/2 on this page. It's not me. I'm sorry.


Learned something again and more

I always plan to do more with this blog. To tell something and perhaps give some input to others that will help them. Like the other tens of thousands of blogs and websites I can learn  from every day.

The past few weeks I have been quite offline during my free time. We have build a new terrace, which was already planned when we moved into this house a few years ago. At that time, I just didn't think we would do it all alone.

Next to building and plastering a wall (at least 3,5 x 2 m in size), the extraction, the gravel, pulling of the grit and cutting the plates I've learned that there is simply no need to ask a craftsmen. If you ask how to do one or the other, you get two or three answers which are obsolet one week later. Almost like developers.

And then I taught myself how to solve a Rubik's Cube. My little son brought them in and actually wanted to learn it too. Because I can't help him, I had to have learn it by myself and so I can now solve the cube in a little bit over two minutes with the beginner method. If I will learn other algorithms to solve it in under a minute... I do not know yet.

I will start learning again for the certification of a TYPO3 developer (TCCD). I was able to extend the TCCI certification by one year last Friday, whereby I think that the procedure is worth considering. Just because I took part in a presentation of the innovations of TYPO3 10, which I held in my department in a similar way shortly after its appearance, I have collected a lot of suggestions, but I don't master them. Perhaps this is because I was one of the last ones where the certification is normally valid for three years, the new certificates are only valid for two years.

For the preparations I work through the Exam Study Guide for the Official TCCD Certification of the TYPO3 Association ( and this time I decided for me to write a blog post for each topic or question that I don't answer correctly when I was studying, in which I then work on this topic. The best way to learn is to write a cheat sheet. There will definitely be some posts. ;-)