Hacktoberfest 2018

Open Source is not only living from the idea that the software has open code and is visible and assessable for everyone, but also that the opportunity is given that everyone can partizipate. In any case, if the author of the software is involved and accepts so-called "pull requests". "Pull requests" are snippets of code (or assets), they are contributed by software developers, who do not have write access in the repository. They serve above all else to eleminate bugs, but also to integrate or improve features. Or to care about the documentation.
The Hacktoberfest in 2018 is organized from GitHub and DigitalOcean for the fith time (and in this year for the first time is also Twilio supporter) and is celebrating open source software for one month. You can partizipate on it by posting five pull requests in open projects on GitHub in october. They must not merged but shouldn't land in fake repositories or include spam.
My pull requests have moved in the repositories of Oh My Zsh, DDEV and gitignore.io until now. Maybe I will find a little bit more time this week. On friday there was a Hacktoberfest-Meetup in the holy halls of Micromata here in Kassel, I have partizipated for a few hours. It was fun and have made more fun, to visit the Webmontage, which are also held there.
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