Everything must leave
In the last year which is not allowed to be called by name, I had so many plans and really achieved only a little bit of it. Because I'm doing something wrong (or different) than everyone else who was also in the home office and felt had have always leisure time or at least were so deeply relaxed, that I have started with meditation in the later summer to get to the same level. The meditation I've given up fast because that is a thing that just doesn't work for me. Apparently you have to believe in it just like with homeopathy, and that's just not what my brain is made for.
I didn't get into blogging as I had planned. Just write texts. For me. And put them on the Internet. For whatever reason. Because that's how it was done in the early times of the Internet. Where the internet wasn't quite as broken as it is today.
Maybe I'll even publish a blogroll here soon, because it there is it still there! The little blogosphere and also the tech bloggers. But I will start with a selection of articles and websites that I saved in Pocket last year and forgot. Of the almost 300 entries I will left these here, maybe one or the other will find something that will help them.
Web design
- patternlab.io: Pattern library for the documentation of design elements in web design- storybook.js.org: Pattern library for React, Vue and Angular, as well as other frameworks
- Design-Systeme mit Fluid umsetzen: Blog article on using Fluid to represent a design system
- Frontend File upload: File upload in the frontend for TYPO3 8 and 9
- Error management mit Sentry: Application monitoring with sentry.io, Integration in TYPO3
- Rector für TYPO3: Automated migration of legacy code, actually indispensable, Rector auf GitHub
- PSR-14 Events in TYPO3: Nice post about using events and listeners in TYPO3
- ddev für TYPO3 anpassen: there you will definitely find a few delicacies to look at
- 20 Most Common TYPO3 Errors (And How to Fix Them): Who doesn't know the error messages that TYPO3 can throw at you
- The Best Guide to TYPO3 Composer: no idea why you should even set up TYPO3 without composer
- Fully integrate DDEV and PHPStorm - including Unit Tests with Coverage: I've wanted to try it out for a long time, fire tests directly in PhpStorm in DDEV
- Validating site config of TYPO3: proof of concept validating the TYPO3 site configuration
- Integrating PHPStan in PHPStorm / PHPStan Pro
- Deploy TYPO3 with Surf and GitLab CI: Base of my script that I am currently using for deployment
- OWASP ZAP: Scanner to check web apps for various vulnerabilities
- From Dev to Prod with GitLab CI - Stephan Hochdorfer - PHP UK Conference 2019: Prasentation about the use of GitLab CI (unfortunately not yet seen myself)
- GitLab CI for building and deploying TYPO3 websites with deployer: Deployment receipt from spoonerweb to get TYPO3 onto the target system using a deployer
- TYPO3-Projekt Buildchain mit Gilab-CI: a lot of cool stuff to check out
- TYPO3: Migrate fluid pagination widget to paginator API
- Data Transfer Objects in Extbase
- Rector: Automated migration of legacy code
- blackfire.io: PHP application performance testing
- Is Your Code Up To Sniff?: Blog article about using PHP CodeSniffer and PHP CS Fixer
Programming in general
- Develop, Debug, Learn? A time to re-think our tooling.: interesting article about using our everyday tools
- Learn regex the easy way: I hate regular expressions
- Softwarequalität wird nicht bezahlt: Blog article about who should pay the extra work for good code
- Let's Program Like It's 1999 | Lee Byron: Nice to watch lecture on how web development has (not) changed
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