Surf another way
Update: With release of TYPO3 10.4.8 the problem is gone because the dependencies were adjusted. Apparently there were problems not only with Surf, but also with Solr and dependencies on PHP 7.2. Nevertheless, I will not install Surf with composer in the project, but instead globally in the DDEV container.
Yesterday a planned maintenance update of TYPO3 was published. Version 10.4.7. The best content management system that I know. And of course all projects should get the new version. What was previously possible without any problems with a hearty 'composer update' without any other effort. Just not yesterday.
composer absolutely refused to integrate the new version into the projects. Okay, no problem, let us approach the whole thing systematically. First with
composer clear-cache && composer update
force composer to forget everything, go through all the sources and try again. But this did not bring any new TYPO3 onto the hard drive.
Then I would look around and with the question
composer why-not typo3/cms-core:10.4.7
it became clear that typo3/surf has a dependency with symfony/console which finally has a dependency with symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts that prevented going to a larger version than 2.0. But what typo3/cms-core absolutely requires. npm, what the hell!
This morning I tried another time to find a solution but maybe I should think about another job in my elderly age. So there was only Twitter left, my grief complained and minutes later the two heroes @t3easy_de and @chriwode came around the corner.
The first attempt to run Surf locally on Windows failed miserably. Yes, Windows. I don't want to talk about that here. The whole thing fails because, among other things, Windows does not know awk and even if you install this, you will be hit with further errors.
To get to the point: so far I have setup projects using DDEV and not only installed TYPO3 and the extensions used via composer, but also Surf. In order to be able to deploy a project via the command line, for example, if no corresponding CI/CD system is available. My solution now looks like this: Surf has removed of this composer.json and is installed globally via the DDEV start hook:
hooks: post-start: - exec: composer global require hirak/prestissimo - exec: composer global require typo3/surf:^2.0
So TYPO3 10.4.7 can be installed and I can move the project to another system via surf.
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